Friday, September 12

Guatemala Trip

My latest trip was to Guatemala and Belize. My colleague Brett (who is a bit of a photography buff) was kind enough to share some of the pictures he took while we were there.

One of the many volcanoes that surround Antigua, Guatemala where we stayed

The street that leads to the hotel in Antigua

Leading the staff training session

At the panaderia (bakery) in the morning

Conducting the Volunteer training session

Working with Victor, the local IT Specialist

Setting up machines on the weekend

In the server room with the local IT Specialist, Victor


  1. Wow that is so mega cool! Great to have an insight into your work bro!

    Mark spent a few months volunteering in Guatamala as well and he absolutely loved the place. I think he helped build toilets of all things!! LOL

    You should definitely keep posting pics of the places you've been to. Not just the hotel rooms though!! :)

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM GMT-5

    really nice pics, bro... and you're looking really good! :)


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