Sunday, July 20

The "Aunties from the Islands" Visit DC

My Mum and Aunty Mary as well as Aunty Lu and Uncle Steve, visited us for eight days. It was a full on sightseeing, shopping and eating venture. We took them all around DC and visited monuments and museums and also got a chance to tour the US Capitol and meet the American Samoa Representative to the US Congress, Congressman Eni Faleomavaega.

Matt was wonderful and cooked us dinner every night (I helped of course LOL) and Aunty Lu also cooked us meatloaf to celebrate her birthday.

On the last day we took them all to Mason Neck National Park for a bbq and to celebrate Madison's birthday. We did it early because the Aunties were here and Matt is due to leave for Guatemala and Belize on Tuesday (22nd July).

On our way to see the Kennedy Family Gravesite at Arlington Cemetery

Inside the Planetarium (Air and Space Museum)

Inside the Rotunda (US Capitol Building)

Outside the US Capitol


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM GMT-5

    Looked like a boring tour for Maddy but must have been interesting for the aunties!

  2. haha yeah it was - he was so ready to go home when we arrived. But he did well to get through it without moaning too much. Ladies were impressed on how well behaved he was.


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