Hello,Clearly Maddy has a musical gene in him from Papa Mano'o's side. When I asked him what musical instrument he wanted to play next year he surprised us all by saying the cello.
This is Ms Presley ( name changed for privacy), Madison’s Music teacher at Stenwood.
I am writing to let you know that Madison had his name drawn from the Bravo Box in Music class today!
Students put their name in the box anytime they are seen doing something great in class.
He was recognized for being so attentive, cheerful, and helpful to other students, and I am happy to be able to recognize him for this!
I know that you must be very proud of Madison, and wanted to let you know what a great job he is doing in Music class.
Ms Presley
Music Teacher
Stenwood Elementary
I looked at Rach and sighed. Somehow I knew he wasn't going to say ukulele, but c'mon, a cello? Is there a stringed instrument more expensive than a cello?