Monday, April 5

Spring Break

Maddy is back in school after spending an entire week away from home. Vai and Fati were kind enough to allow Maddy to spend the week with them and the kids. Maddy was a little reluctant to go at first but in the end he didn't want to come home. We missed our boy while he was away, the house was too quiet.

The weather has been very pleasant lately, spring is finally upon us! One of the traditional spring events in DC is the Cherry Blossom Festival. Rach and Maddy tagged along with Vai and the kids for a walk around the Basin Reserve to check out the cherry blossoms on a very nice warm spring day.

Soccer season for Maddy starts next weekend which is exactly what Maddy needs after being indoors all winter long.

1 comment:

  1. We loved our visit to see the Cherry Blossoms :)


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