Thursday, September 7

September Already?

I can't believe it's September already. Before Rachel and Maddy got here time was moving so slowly and now that they're here it seems like time is just flying by.

We've been keeping busy, which is good but unfortunately when we've got lots of stuff to write about, we never have the time to sit down and write about it. Rachel and Madison are adjusting well to the new timezone and place and according to Madison, he never wants to go back to Samoa, he likes it better here. I don't know if it's because of the new digs or what but I think it's just because he likes it when both of his parents are with him at the same time.

That's a photo of me and Maddy standing at the bus stop across the street from our house. We were on our way to see the doctor for his monthly checkup and rheumatic fever injection. I didn't realise that we both had our left hands in our pockets til I saw this photo. Like father like son :)

Our friendly neighbor Cathy from downstairs gave us a nice stroller for Madison. Maddy likes going for walks but lacks the stamina to walk very far, or so he says. I think he just gets lazy (I wonder who he gets that from?) and prefers to be carried or pushed around in his stroller. Thanks Cathy!

Madison has become very adept with the computer. He is very observant and picks up quite a lot from just watching us use the laptop. He can turn it on and off, use the Favorites menu, the Back button and knows how to start games and tab through the different open windows. He is a master with the mouse, I didn't even need to teach him how to use it. I think he's teaching himself intuitively, a process I find to be amazing at his age.

That's the view from our verandah. There isn't any grassy open spaces or playgrounds in our complex but Madison loves riding his bike in the underground parking garage. We're fortunate to live in a safe neighborhood with nice, quiet neighbors.

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