Friday, May 28

Looooong Weekend

I've always believed that Samoa has too many holidays. We have holidays when important people die, we have holidays on Saturdays, we have holidays whenever (it seems) the government feels like it. Why am I complaining about it? While the time off is nice, it's very disruptive when it comes to work.

Take for example the upcoming Independence Day holiday. On all of the official government documentation, Tuesday, 1st June 2004 was supposed to be the only holiday. Now I hear that the cabinet has approved the Monday before Independence and half of the Wednesday after it to be public holidays as well. Huh?

So now we have a 5 day long weekend ahead (with 1 days notice), we're to return to work next Thursday for a 2 day week. Why didn't the geniuses in the Cabinet declare Thurday and Friday off as well while they were at it?

Only in Samoa.

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