Saturday, March 31

Go Diego Go

Last night we went to the Warner Theater to catch the Go Diego Go Live show for Madison. He absolutely loved it, dancing in the aisles with all of the other kids, singing along to all the song he knew so well. It was a nice night out on the town for the whole family, the show was quite enjoyable!

I'll be traveling to Zambia and Tanzania in 2 weeks time for work. It'll be interesting to see that part of the world and I'm looking forward to the trip. I'll be gone for 5 and a half weeks so while I'm in Africa, Rach and Maddy are planning to visit her aunty Lu in Connecticut for awhile. There's a train that goes from central D.C. straight to New Haven so it should be easy enough for them to get there and back.

Tuesday, March 13

Lucky Maddy

Maddy is such a lucky boy. Yesterday he received an All Blacks jacket, matching socks and a dinosaur jigsaw puzzle from BatGran in the mail. He also got some stamps so he can write Nanna letters. He was so happy with his new stuff that he put on the jacket and socks immediately and wore them all day. Now that he has one of the puzzles in the dinosaur collection, he wants the rest of them too. That's my boy :)

Wednesday, March 7

Dose of Reality

You know how the saying goes, "No news is good news" and in our case it definitely rings true. The past few weeks have been largely uneventful, with the crazy weather being the most noteworthy thing. We've had a week of snow followed by an ice storm which covered everything with ice for over a week, followed by a week of warm weather that everyone talking about an early spring and now it's snowing again.

I think Madison has had enough of the cold weather and all it brings because he used to run excitedly to the window to look at the snow when I told him it was snowing; now it barely warrants a raised eyebrow.

Yesterday afternoon at work we all had to evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounded. Most of us thought it was another fire drill until the fire department, police and homeland security arrived and started cordoning off the entire block. Apparently our operator received a bomb threat by phone. Let me tell you one thing; the emergency response time in Washington, D.C. to a bomb threat is super quick. By the time I made my way outside from the 3rd floor there were already 2 fire trucks and 2 homeland security cars in front of the building. It was a stark reminder of the nature of the world we live in right now. But hey, at least I got to go home early!